A Few Things You Might Not Know About Me
Posted on April 20, 2022
Planning and Guidance, Tailored To Your Life and Goals
Beyond The Money
Posted on December 04, 2014
Alive and Well: The Spirit of Giving
A lot has changed in the past few years. Angry Birds became a national pastime. Maxi dresses and skinny jeans came back into style. China surpassed the United States to become the world’s largest economy. Innovative technologies disrupted whole industries. One thing hasn’t changed, though, and that is Americans’ generosity, especially when it comes to giving.
While it’s true that philanthropy suffered some setbacks following the financial crisis and Great Recession, Americans have given tens of billions of dollars to support charitable organizations. Between 2006 and 2012, more than $135 billion went to charity, according to a tax study by The Chronicle of Philanthropy, which accounted for about 80 percent of charitable gifts in the United States. Americans who earned more than $200,000 a year donated about $77.5 billion during the period, while Americans who earned less than $100,000 a year gave about $57.3 billion.
During 2013, Americans reached deeper into their pockets and gave even more. The 2014 U.S. Trust® Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy reported wealthy donors gave 28 percent more during the year. People earning between $1 and $5 million gave about $25,000, on average, while those earning more than $5 million gave about $166,600, on average. Americans also spent a lot of time – 200 hours or more for many study participants – volunteering.
Although many studies of philanthropy focus on wealthier donors, it is clear philanthropy is not limited to wealthy Americans, large companies, or foundations. In fact, according to Philanthropy magazine, the vast majority of money given to charities each year comes from individuals – some are wealthy and some are not:
“The fireworks show that delighted your town this week. The children’s hospital where the burned girl from down the street was saved. The Rotary scholarship that allowed you to become dear friends with a visiting Indonesian graduate student. The church-organized handyman service that keeps your elderly mother in her home. The park that adds so much to your family life. These gifts, many of them products of small offerings from thousands of everyday residents, accumulate in powerful ways to make our daily existences safer, sweeter, and more interesting.”
Philanthropy is becoming a family affair, according to The New York Times, as parents strive to raise children who are socially responsible and understand the importance of giving and community service. “…Philanthropic giving is increasingly a family affair and children are getting involved at younger ages. Of the group with donor-advised funds – admittedly a group skewed toward the charitably inclined – 94 percent said they had taught or were teaching their children to give to charity.”
Rich and poor, young and old, Americans have been supporting diverse causes – education, basic needs, health, religious, arts, and others – which are near and dear to their hearts.
The reasons for making charitable gifts are probably as diverse as the people who make them. In fact, it’s likely many people give for more than one reason. Altruistic motivations – the sense of fulfillment gained by giving, the desire to make a difference in a community or the world, the drive to support political, religious, or philosophical beliefs – are often complemented by financial ones, including:
Some charitable tax benefits fall into the ‘tax extender’ category. These are pieces of legislation that expire and must be reapproved every few years. When this article was written it was unclear whether IRA rollovers and conservation easements would be extended into the current tax year.
While not everyone has a plan for giving, many people have put strategies and budgets in place to guide their philanthropic efforts. The vehicles they employ to accomplish their goals vary significantly. Some have given online through crowdfunding platforms, but many opt for more traditional options, such as:
You may give a lot or a little. You may do it today or in the future. You may teach your children or find a sense of fulfillment. You may improve the world or gain a tax benefit. Regardless of the reasons, Americans have continued to give to the common good even when our economy has suffered – and that’s really something.]]>