Are You Ready to File Your 2021 Federal Tax Return?
Posted on April 07, 2022
Planning and Guidance, Tailored To Your Life and Goals
Posted on June 18, 2017
Fathers Help Their Children In All Kinds Of Ways Dads come in all shapes and sizes. Some are workaholics; others prefer the solace of home. Some pine for sports; others crave theater. Some are problem-solvers; others are in denial. Each father has a unique combination of characteristics that will influence his children over time. Here are some Father’s Day activities that have produced interesting long-term results. Have a catch—and a hit. Ken Griffey, Sr. and Ken Griffey, Jr. were the first father-son pair to play Major League Baseball at the same time. Even better, they eventually played on the same team—the Seattle Mariners. During their first game as teammates, Griffey, Sr. made his son proud by hitting a first-inning single. Ken, Jr. returned the favor by hitting his 500th home run on Father’s Day. And to think, it all started with a game of catch in the backyard! Get out the chemistry set. Laurie Glimcher spent a lot of time in her father’s lab at Massachusetts General Hospital when she was a child. Today, Laurie and her Dad, Melvin Glimcher, hold chairs in their respective fields at Harvard University. They’ve collaborated on research with impressive results; the pair identified a mechanism that regulates bone growth and may help scientists to develop a drug that can help with Osteoporosis. Encourage social interaction. Hekzebiah Hawkins’ playbook was a prominent resident of Dogpatch (remember the Lil’ Abner comic strip?). His adult daughter Sadie was living at home. To push her into the future, he arranged the first Sadie Hawkins Day. It included a foot race—the unmarried women pursued the town’s bachelors. If a bachelor was caught, matrimony was the consequence. Oh, how times have changed! If you’re interested in developing a long-term plan for your investments (which might benefit your children, too) give us a call. We will be glad to help.]]>