Market Insights:
January 2, 2024
Posted on January 02, 2024
Planning and Guidance, Tailored To Your Life and Goals
Tuesday Takeaway
Posted on September 29, 2020
For four weeks, the U.S. stock market has sparked and sputtered like a campfire in light rain.
Today, pandemic-driven demand is providing fuel for the investors. The need for certain types of products and services has accelerated and innovation is creating new opportunities. Consider:
Throughout 2020, investors’ enthusiasm has pushed markets higher. However, concerns about a variety of issues have dampened enthusiasm in recent weeks. Last Friday, Ben Levisohn of Barron’s reported:
“In a week filled with headlines about government stimulus (or the lack thereof), Supreme Court nominations, the election, the gain in the Nasdaq…suggests that it was the fear of another COVID-19 wave that really got the market down. And for good reason. The week began with the U.K. talking about a second shutdown and ended with all of Europe facing down a second wave of infection…In the U.S., the number of cases is rising and the death toll passed 200,000 midweek…”
Many of these concerns aren’t likely to dissipate soon, and volatility is likely to continue.
Last week, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and Dow Jones Industrial Average lost value, while the Nasdaq Composite gained value.
In many neighborhoods across the United States, Halloween decorations have begun to appear. If you’ve been wondering whether Halloween celebrations and trick-or-treating are possible when the COVID-19 virus is still spreading across the country and the world, you may be interested in the Halloween guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control:
Low risk activities:
Moderate risk activities:
With a little planning, everyone can have a safe and fun Halloween.
We’ve always believed that when the market shifts downward, what appears to be a potential crisis might just hold some hidden opportunities, too. That’s what happened to several sellers on Etsy who quickly began offering masks in their online stores as the pandemic accelerated.
An article published by The Verge reported that Etsy stores sold $346 million worth of masks from April and June.
“Masks accounted for more than one out of every 10 dollars spent on the platform that quarter,” wrote Jacob Kastrenakes. Etsy’s cut was more than 5 percent of the total mask purchases.
Some individual Etsy sellers made a million or more, but spent long days, and nights, filling orders, fighting to get materials, and working hard to ship out thousands of packages from their dining room table.
You’ll want to read the article and see how the sellers managed to pivot and make an in-demand product, helping other people during a time of uncertainty while also helping their bank accounts.