Ability to avoid the commute to and from our local office
The meeting can be held anywhere – your home, local coffee shop, library, vacation, etc.
Less time-consuming overall for our ultra-busy clients
Virtual Meeting Best Practices
The era of video conferencing and virtual meeting is here to stay. This new wave of technology will only continue to expand in your day-to-day life. From doctor visits to family gatherings, the impact these digital tools continue to bring will only expand as more business and sectors adapt them.
Zoom Best Practices and Information:
- Zoom 5.0 Download
- By May 30, 2020, all Zoom users will be required to run Zoom 5.0 to partake in any Zoom virtual meetings. We highly recommend you download Zoom 5.0 using the below link prior to May 30. A small investment in preparedness now could have a huge impact when that time comes to meet. We can help avoid most technical difficulties ahead of time by completing this.
- Zoom Security
- BW and Zoom both take security very seriously. Zoom is proud to exceed industry standards when it comes to their virtual communications software. Zoom offers several tools to protect our client meetings, including how people join and how information is shared.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your BW team should you have any questions or needs of assistance. We’re happy to walk you through Zoom at your convenience. We look forward to connecting with you soon!
Save the date: We are excited to announce our next online True Wealth Town Hall Webinar on Thursday, June 4th at 11am PST. Mark your calendars and be on the lookout for the invitation.
Stay safe and healthy.]]>