Life as a BW Client: Meet Aaron and Christy
Posted on April 07, 2022
Planning and Guidance, Tailored To Your Life and Goals
Client Spotlight
Posted on July 14, 2021
I’m so proud to introduce you to Charlie Short, one of our two summer interns, along with Ryan Tosto, who is on break from his law studies. Charlie came to us through a trusted mortgage provider partner, and you probably remember Ryan as a BW stakeholder who’s on his educational journey to becoming an estate planning lawyer.
A London native, Charlie just completed his junior year at Tufts University where he’s majoring in Economics and History with a minor in Finance. His long-term goal/dream is to run a wealth management firm with his college roommates. Meanwhile, he plans to earn an MBA and then work in wealth management, where he aspires to become a portfolio manager. I admire his spunk and thoughtful career planning.
Charlie said he chose to intern with BW because “it struck me as a client-first company that champions service. I was intrigued by this as most other wealth managers focus on the numbers, but BW goes the extra mile and that’s something that I wanted to see first-hand.” He also recognizes how well our team meshes to care for our clients and move BW forward.
Charlie enjoys competitions of all kinds, participating or watching, and he’s an avid golfer and keen cricketer who can always be found watching or playing sports, or enjoying board games while hanging with friends and family.
Ultimately, Charlie plans to take his experiences and wisdom back to the UK. In the meantime, he’s absorbing as much as possible about the BW wealth management way, and how to do wealth differently, so he’ll be a better wealth advisor in the future.
Ryan is back with us for the summer after completing his first year of law school, which he says was very challenging, but extremely rewarding. He successfully applied many of the habits and lessons he learned during his previous three years at BW, and while his law classes were very competitive and graded on a strict curve, he’s happy with how he did.
Ryan has transferred into Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law for his final two years, so starting this fall he’ll begin completing his Juris Doctor at ASU. Ryan said, “I’m really excited to be back in the valley, to be able to study close to home and continue to build my local network.”
I’m happy he’ll be closer, too. He started back at BW on June 1, picked up right where he left off last year and has been right in the mix of everything. Ryan is focusing on mostly project-based work and assisting our team where his expertise is needed. So far, he’s already helped finalize our new-hire onboarding manual on Trainual.
When Ryan isn’t at BW or playing golf, he’s also interning at Kierman Law, a BW estate planning partner. Ryan said his goal “is to become a licensed attorney and practice estate planning. Seeing first-hand how an estate planning firm operates, and doing some estate planning research for them, has been a great experience.”
With Ryan and Charlie’s contributions, we expect this to be one fine summer.